Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thanks Mom!

My mom came to visit this week, and it was so nice having her around. Even though we were pretty settled into a routine, her timing was perfect because a) I'm exhausted and b) I've been having "issues" with Luke... he's entered the terrible 2's. I'm about ready to pull my hair out! I realize that this is all developmentally normal, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating that he runs away from me at the park! Mom helped me wrangle him at the park and the mall and held Emma when needed so that I could take care of Luke. Luke enjoyed having the extra attention- he loves Nana! Also, my mom watched both kiddos while Phil and I snuck off to Cracker Barrel for some much needed adult conversation and pancakes. Awesome!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

How fun! My mom is coming this weekend and I keep telling myself that my husband and I need to stay around in case Adam needs to nurse or Austin acts out, but you've convinced me that we should take advantage and go out.