Monday, March 23, 2009

The Crazy that is my life...

Those of you on Facebook have already seen some of these, but I thought I'd post them for my family. Emma is 6 weeks old today, and I already can't remember life before her! I think that Luke has adjusted really well- in part due to the fact that she sleeps most of the day, which allows for plenty of quality mommy/son time. He hasn't felt displaced yet, so he hasn't felt the need to act out too much. Aside, that is, from the running off at parks and answering "no" to everything we ever ask him. Par for the two-year-old course, I"m told. Funny story: we were at Sunday family dinner last night, and Luke's cousin, Gabe, was there for the first time in about a month. Gabe is three and is going through a really bossy phase. Like I said, Luke is two and is going through a really defiant, "no" phase. You can imagine how their conversations went! Gabe was always trying to get Luke to do things, and Luke was always saying no! They were frustrating each other to no end! It was hilarious to watch! :)

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