Wednesday, August 6, 2008

13 Week OB Appointment Update

This might have qualified as the world's fastest doctor's appointment. I think it was 8 minutes long, start to finish. I gained five pounds in the past five weeks, which is good for me since I tend to blow up like a puffer fish when pregnant. Morning sickness is mostly gone, fatigue comes and goes, blood pressure was good, etc. She also did a good job of reassuring me that I am not some sort of gestational freak, and that it is normal to be "showing a bit" this early. She called it "muscle memory," and said that my ligaments and muscles that held the uterus nice and tight the first time are much more relaxed now, so even though my uterus is only the size of a large grapefruit right now, its sticking out. Take THAT, rude commentors. (Although since the baby is only about 3 inches long right now, and I've always had a little tum tum, its mostly pudge, but its PREGGO pudge, which is the good kind.)

The best part was that I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! It was strong and steady, and 156 bpm. It was a bummer Phil had to stay home with Luke, so he didn't get to hear it. For those of you on the Pink Team, the old wive's tale about heart rate being a predictor of gender indicates girl (above 140). But that is said to be a myth, so we'll see.

Next appts: 18 week appt on Sept 10 and the "big" ultrasound on Sept 11th! Five weeks to go...

1 comment:

Michelle, Matt, Isabelle and Sawyer said...

Awww...that is so great! I am rooting for the pink team!! We should start a poll on the mom's group :P I will see you on Sunday!!