In July, we purchased an annual zoo pass. We went for the first time this morning, and the weather was perfect. It was overcast and humid, but not scorching hot like usual. We saw all the usual characters, the tiger, lion, polar bear, elephants, monkeys, etc. We fed the giraffes (my personal favorite), which is always a highlight and fantastic photo op.
We went inside the education center and the docents were handling snakes. I am NOT a fan of legless reptiles, but I do not want to pass on that irrational (well, its not so irrational if they are poisonous, but these weren't) fear to my son, so we walked right up to them. I told Luke that these were bull python and corn snakes and we practiced making sssssssssssssssssssnake noises. I asked all sorts of questions so that the snake would not smell my fear. I learned that you cannot tell the gender of a snake without surgery or use of a "probe," whatever that is. I also learned that these particular snakes were senior citizens (12 years old), which made me a little less afraid of them. I was quite proud of myself. I didn't even hear my heartbeat in my ears, like usual. Luke didn't care for them, though. He wouldn't touch them. That's my boy.
Luke's favorite are the rhinos, and they did not disappoint. The male walked over to where we were and proceeded to relieve himself all over the wall. The force with which he relieved himself was quite impressive. My friend had to actually move her son farther away from the fence because she was worried about the splashing. The rhino was 10 feet away. Let's just say Luke was impressed. Maybe that will inspire him to begin potty training?
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