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Musings on Turning 30
For some reason, my 30th birthday has seemed like a bigger deal than the other milestone birthdays I have had. On your 16th, you get a drivers license. On your 21st, you get to consume alcohol in public places. On your 30th, you get.... what? A slower metabolism? Decreased fertility? Saggier eyelids? I don't know. But I do know that whenever anyone I found out that I was going to turn 30, a look would come over them that would be a mixture of shock and pity. Even Phil was adamant that I should "do something" for this birthday. Phil, the man who would banish birthday celebrations forever were he not married to quite possibly the world's most festive person, suggested I throw a party. Really?!
Perhaps that is because Phil turned 30 about 9 months ago, and he had a hard time with it. We didn't do anything to celebrate (obviously... see previous paragraoh) but he talked about it a lot, and made random comments about getting old. In fact, most people do. I have helped celebrate with quite a few friends over the past few years as they bid farewell to their twenties. Its always fun, but there is an overwhelming sense that they are saying farewell to a more carefree time and heading into the more reserved, boring, responsible part of their life. That quite possibly the "best" days of their lives are behind them.
And in some senses, that is true. Turning 30 means that I probably won't be able to get away with using my old CatCard to get the college student discount at the theaters anymore. It means that my favorite songs from high school are now played on the Classic Rock station (is that even legal.. they're only 15 years old!)
I say bring it on! When was I ever spontaneous, carefree, or wild? Exactly. When did I ever enjoy drinking to excess? Wearing overly revealing clothing? I think you get my point. My point is: I was born 30. I've always been a homebody and slightly boring. Before kids, I could spend an entire day reading. I worn sunscreen before anyone cared and was frugal before it was cool. I TiVo the Suze Orman Show and 60 Minutes and read the business section of the newspaper. Heck, I read the newspaper. I know how to crochet.
But now that I am officially 30, I have no reason to feel embarrassed by my 9pm bedtime. After all, I am 30. Worried that people will notice that I'm on Facebook on a Saturday night (before 9pm ;) and not out at a party or something. Well duh, I'm 30. Sad that I didn't know who "Lady Gaga" was when she performed on American Idol. Why should I be? I'm 30 and now officially out of touch with today's youth. I am also married with two kids. Enough said.
The fact is, I am proud of what I have done in my 30 years on this planet. I earned my Master's Degree in Education, taught science for 5 years, married a wonderful man, and had two awesome little kids. I have created a family, and spend my days teaching them how to be gentle, kind, and polite (re: I give copious time outs for hitting). I take them to the zoo, explain what sounds letters make, and what to say when someone sneezes. I am happy that I am getting older. We all do, and it sure beats the alternative!
There is a line from an Alan Jackson song called "remember when" where he sings "remember when... 30 seemed so old, now looking back, its just a stepping stone, to where we are, where we've been, we'd do it all again, remember when". Amen, brother.
Here are some pictures of the Birthday Fiesta that we threw last week. It was awesome. My brother-in-law let me use his employee discount to order yummy Chili's fajita party platters, and the Costco cake and margaritas were delicious. My family came down from Phoenix, and my in-laws and friends came over, too. Kids were everywhere, and I had a blast! And it didn't last past 9pm. Per-fection.
My big birthday present from Phil and my parents was a patio dining set for the paver patio out back (by the rose bushes). I have always wanted one, but had never put the funds together for it. I love it so much! The past two nights, we have eaten out there. Luke calls it "having a picnic"!
On my actual birthday, I hosted a playdate at my house. A few friends came over, we ate Trader Joe's mini tacos and brownies, and relaxed all morning, watching the kids play. I didn't want to ruin the day with a stressful trip to a restaurant (2 kids is not conducive to a relaxing meal out), so we ordered pizza and ate at home. It was perfect!
Happy 30th! Turning 30 doesn't mean you are getting older, it just means you are evolving into a different stage of your life. I hate when people act like its the death of the "carefree" them. Your cares are just different! You've got more substance now! And BTW, I didn't know who Lady Gaga was either...I fast-forwarded through that cause I thought it was just "noise"!
Welcome to the "oldies" club. I'm old and boring too. But being a settled, in love with our family 30 year old is GREAT!!!!
Thanks for letting us celebrate your 30th with you. We didn't want to leave the house but I desparately needed to clean up the spilled layered bean dip out of my car.
Great post, and Happy Belated Birthday.
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