Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumkin Picking with the Sniders

Today, everyone played hooky from their responsibilities and my mom, dad, sister Angie, brother-in-law Shawn, and niece Shelby met us at Mother Nature's Farm to choose a Halloween Pumpkin! This has become our annual tradition. Last year we went down to Apple Annie's Farm in Wilcox, a large pick-your-own fruit/veggie farm, but this year we decided to try a pumpkin festival in Gilbert. Although we didn't actually PICK our own pumpkin, we did pick them OUT! And it was much more fun and less work!! It was a very relaxing day- we chose our pumpkins, decorated them (the little ones that come for "free" with the admission price), visited with the pigs and sheep, played in the hay maze and jumping castle, ate the most delicious picnic lunch my mom packed, and took a hay ride! But mostly, we just took pictures of the kids as they explored the Farm. Both Luke and Shelby were in good moods and had a great time looking at everything and choosing their pumpkins.


Aidan and Bauer said...

How much fun! You all look great, and Luke looked like he was having a great time. I'm super JEALOUS! Happy Halloween!

Marana Grays said...

How fun! I need to take the kids one year pumpkin picking at an actual farm. For now...the lot on Campbell and Ft. Lowell will have to do. :-)