Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Big Day!

Mr. and Mrs. Michael De la Cerna
April 25, 2008

Lovely Rita on the way to her first wedding shoot! Lets take a pic!

Exchanging vows

All done! The are officially hitched!

Gabe DID NOT like missing the ceremony. Phil, Jess, and Cindy did their best, but he wanted MAMA! :)

Luke telling a story at the reception

Grandma Cindy and her two little boys

Ross was official Gabe-wrangler for the evening.

Linda and Mario

The newlyweds :)

Me taking a picture of Cindy taking a picture!

Luke with Auntie and Uncle. He said "Auntie" and "Uncle" for the first time THAT DAY!

Fishies for cousin

Luke is party pooped!

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